Her's Turn <12>
Now, Are you still the only miss ?? sure bo??!
hey, you left jojo's name !
Nice quote ler !
do not worry..i wont post the all 12 pages ! that time you banyak nakal ! other pages contain too many ppl's unique behaver! so, better restricted, then later 'politik raise' . hahaha
any how, i found some quite funny things ...let's share here
both also from that 'fella' ...either that 'fella' admire you or me ><
this fella so kedut ! 2 ppl 1 dedication ! is it the same 'fella' with the up 1?
I got a warning letter because of you ! you go kacau 131285 for what ni ?!
any how me and you shared BIG interest !
very meaning full one
-When we saw any single thing regrading DOG
proud to have them, kan? kekekeke
This week, i not suppose to balik melaka, kan? i suppose to go kl find you and help you celebrate your big day ! but i never do that ..
i know you understand geh !
all bcz of i home sick !
s.o.r.r.y すみません
Do not worry, i will replace the day for you as soon as possible !
bring you to try same japanese mixed with eastern food, which is so called Pasta Zaimai !bcz it was my favourite restaurant ! so, bantahan ditutup ! =p
alright alright, read this properly (if you can) !
Hon Hon,
Happy birthday ! looking forward for our singapore trip ! and 愛しています